About Naomi - Resume

1st 4 days of the League of N.H. Craftsmen’s Fair at Mount Sunapee Resort

August 6, 2016 @ 10:00 am – August 9, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
Mount Sunapee Resort
$12.00, seniors and veterans $10, children 12 and under Free
League of N.H. Craftsmen - Kate Sussman

This is the 83rd annual Craftsmen’s Fair!  It is the oldest craft fair in the nation.  It is…  gulp…  my 33rd year of having a booth at the Fair.  For 32 years I was there for the full 9 days and this year is a big change for me.  I will be there for just the first four days!  I am putting that in bold so that you are sure to come between Saturday August 6th and Tuesday August 9th if you want to catch me there in my booth.  I decided that it is time for a change and to have more of my summer for adventures with my husband and friends.

I will have pieces in the exhibit “Living with Craft” and for the first time I will have a sculpture in “The Sculpture Garden”!

It is an amazing event with over 300 booths, special exhibits, demonstrations, tours, live music, food and more! Hope to see you there…

DSCN6587Naomi in her booth at Sunapee

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